Friday, February 12, 2010

Gun laws, are they preventing the people's protection?

So I just read a article from The Associative Press about three officials that were killed in a Alabama campus shooting today, and the first question that came to my mind was could it have been prevented? A woman opened fire in a faculty meeting and killed three faculty members and critically injured two more. No students were involved in this shooting. First I would like to give my condolences to the families of the victims, we shouldn't have to worry about our safety at any school. With that said I would like to discuss my view on the touchy subject of gun laws. In the past 20 years there have been way too many school shootings, and every time the governments answer seems to be tougher and more constricting gun laws. But are those laws actually causing more harm than good? Let's face it, someone with the intent to harm other people and possibly commit suicide is not going to care about the penalties and consequences about having a gun in a "No Gun Zone." It doesn't matter how strict the law, or how many signs you post in front of a school, a person with that mind-set will still do it. It seems to me the only people those laws are harming are the people who might be able to stop these tragic events, or possible stop it before it gets worse. After I read this article I immediately thought of the Luby's massacre of '91. In Killeen, Texas George Jo Hennard drove his pick-up truck through a Luby's restaurant and opened fire on everyone, killing 23 people and wounding 20 others then commited suicide. During the massacre the shooter walked up to Suzanna Gratia Hupp and her parents, Suzanna's father tried to subdue the gunman but was shot down and killed. Her mother was also shot and killed. Suzanna actually had brought her handgun with her that day but left it in her car a 100 feet away because of a law forbidding citizens to carry a weapon in a public place. Her later testimony revealed she regret abiding by that law because she lost her only chance to save her parents and other people's lives. I realize there are excellent arguments for both sides of gun laws, but while we are arguing about it shootings are still happening. The U.S. Government needs to find a way to stop these massacres at places where you shouldn't have to worry about the safety of your life. Maybe stricter gun laws aren't the answer to this tough question.

Here are the links to the articles I referenced:
Luby's Massacre

Check them out, maybe your views on gun laws, if any, will change.

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