Saturday, February 27, 2010

Torture Lawyers?!?!

I just read an interesting article from the New York Times called "Torture Lawyers." It was basically about how the Justice Department "ethics watchdogs" is recommending a disciplinary review for two government lawyers that helped President Bush get away with torturing prisoners shortly after 9/11. The article is a pretty interesting read, it talks about the corrupt politics and brings up good questions about the ethics in out government and how The American Bar Association needs to address these issues. There isn't a author for this article but he or she seems to have a more liberal view and also seems to be worried with how much our government can get away with. The article is reaching out to anyone who is concerned with how corrupt out government can get and what should be done. I definitely agree with this article, the author wrote a well crafted argument. The two lawyers in question are John Yoo and Jay Bybee. They were accused of helping President Bush ignore any laws under the conduct of war. The first investigations were overruled by a higher official in the Justice Department, It goes on about how it was part of the investigation were covered up and how with this new recommendation to re-open this investigation should bring some disciplinary action. Ethics seems to be the elephant in the room with article. The thought of a government official manipulated the law to basically get away with anything he want is a little disturbing. Overall, I really think it's a good article and worth checking out.

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