Friday, April 2, 2010

Criminal Government

I just read a blog from Glen Greenwald called "The Criminal NSA Eavesdropping Program," and I have to say, it made me a little worried about our national government. Basically the blog is pointing out how our former and current President's (Bush and Obama) committed felonies and other misdemeanors. Not only did they both commit crimes, they're able to escape and under mind our legal and court systems. Overall, I think the article was well written, there were a number of sources cited and he looks like a serious blogger with a good reputation so he just might know what he's talking about. He presents a good argument, basically he doesn't believe that they should be able to get away with these types of crimes. Here's a little piece from his blog that sums up his argument way better than I could; "If we were a country that actually lived under The Rule of Law, this would be a huge story, one that would produce the same consequences for the lawbreakers as a bank robbery, embezzlement or major drug dealing. But since we're not such a country, it isn't and it doesn't." I can't say that I totally disagree with that, why should the elite in this country get away with whatever they want? The government is suppose to work with the people, not against them. There are tons of article he cites that, not including the federal judges that found that these President's are committing crimes right in front of our eyes. He seems to be generally concerned and wants to reach out to whomever else might be outraged by this. At first I thought this blog might lean a little more to the liberal side, but as I read I thought that this guy might just be generally disgusted with these crimes and how nothing is being done about it. According to the blog even three different federal judges found that both of these Presidents have committed crimes that should be punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each crime committed. This article is definitely worth reading, our government should not be able to do anything they want and get away with it. No one is above the law.

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